Similar to P. cinerascens but with leaves much larger (4-13 X 5-15cm ) and dentate-lobulate at the margin (not crenate). Leaves orbicular to reniform, deeply cordate at the base, dentate-lobulate at the margin with the lobules broadly triangular and hydathode-denticulate, thinly pubescent above with longer hairs on the veins, sparingly pilose on nerves below, elsewhere glabrous. Scape 10-40cm tall, slender, pinkish pilose, with 1-2 umbels of 5-8 rose-lilac to purple, annulate flowers. The type location is "Tzu Kwei Hsien" in Hupeh (Hubei), but I don't have this location. If you have an image of this species, please contact the webmaster. 如果你有这个物种的图像,请与网站管理员联系。