The type herbarium sheet came originally from the Leningrad Herbarium as a duplicate of Cortusa matthioli and it was thought by the botanist Podpera to be a possible form of that species. The difference in flower form between the two species is clear (see Primula matthioli). The type specimen is misleading in that it only shows young leaves rather than typical mature leaves. Primula minkwitziae is sparsely pilose, leaves orbicular to reniform, palmate, divided for 1/4 to 1/3 into about 7 lobes, scabrid above, sparsely pilose below, especially on the veins, cordate or subtruncate at the base, petiole distinct and covered with hairs. Scape about 7cm, pilose, few flowered, with flowers pink-purple, a few white hairs without, emarginate.