This species is endemic to Mount Hayachine 早池峰山, Iwate Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. P. macrocarpa has variable leaves, that may be subrhombic, ovate or spathulate, rounded at the apex, with a truncate or cuneate base, petiolate, margin irregularly serrate-dentate and with sparce farina on both surfaces. Scape 2-5cm, white mealy at the apex with 1-4 white flowers with a yellow eye and indistinctly annulate, monomorphic often with an exserted style. Bracts linear to subulate, broad at the base but not saccate, calyx tubular campanulate divided to the middle. The synonym, P. hayaschinei is from the same location and is pale rose. この種の画像がある場合は、ウェブマスターに連絡してください。