Originally associated with Primula stuartii as a variation but later thought to be a yellow variety of Primula moorcroftiana (P. macrophylla). A typical species within section Crystallophlomis, with lanceolate, acute leaves, farinose below on the margins, finely crenulate and somewhat recurved margins and a broadly winged petiole. Scape to 18cm, with a single umbel of 6-20 pale yellow with a darker yellow eye, annulate flowers, with entire or slightly emarginate corolla lobes. Calyx dark blackish. Resting bud inconspicuous and farinose. It is locally endemic to the Himalayan range from Kaghan, east through Deosai. Yasin J. Nasir proposed in the Flora of Pakistan that the lectotype be designated as Chapri, 18.7.1899, Inayat 21979 (K, iso E), however the collection from Chapri online at K and E has a date of 27.7.1897. Another specimen from E collected at Chapri has a date of 28.7.1899 (E00024563).