A variable species, grouped into subspecies, but with intermediate forms. The species has umbels which appear discoid from the undeveloped flowers at the apex. P. crispata has been considered a subspecies but is accepted as distinct by Basak, Maiti & Hajra (2014) based mostly on seed morphology. The Flora of China lumps P. crispata into P. capitata subsp. capitata because the type specimen (Cooper 951) shows a bit of farina on the leaves, so it is not efarinose as described. However, this trace of farina is not the same as the thick farina found in subspecies capitata and I have followed Basak, Maiti & Hajra. The Flora of China lumps similar P. craibiana into P. capitata subsp. lacteocapitata. It can be difficult to tell the subspecies of P. capitata apart. May be confused with P. bellidifolia which has pubescent leaves. See also related P. glomerata and P. nanocapitata.