Franchet's original description doesn't cite a collection number, but in Paris are several collections from Tsang-chan (Cang Shan), some numbered as either 749 or 292. The sheet which seems to match the original description best is P04571424. This variable species has several synonyms with distinctions made by the amount of farina, length of scape and shape of bracts. The Flora of China lumps the Chinese forms into P. bella with no distinctions at the subspecies level. The variant from Burma, P. coryphaea / P. sciophila, may have some merit as distinct but this can not be decided until further collections are made. The name P. nanobella has been used often in recent years (see Primula by Richards) to describe plants with a purple pom-pom of hairs in the throat, surrounded by a darker ring of deep purple, but the amount of coloring is variable and this may equate to the previously described P. cyclostegia. See also related species P. barbatula.