P. beesiana is one of the Candelabra species with multiple whorls of flowers and can hybridize with P. bulleyana (see reference paper) producing orangey-pink flowers. It has been considered a subspecies of P. bulleyana but recent studies confirm that it is distinct. It differs from P. pulverulenta by the shape of the leaves and the yellow eye. P. burmanica was found straight west of Dali, Yunnan on the border with Burma (Myanmar) and is an efarinose form (except for inside the calyx) and is considered distinct by Richards (see last 2 images). Leaves oblong-oblanceolate, rounded at the apex, attenuate at the base, irregularly dentate at the margin, sparsely glandular. Scapes to 35cm, elonging in fruit, efarinose (P. burmanica) or white farinose, umbels 2-4 with 8-16 rose (rarely white) flowers with a yellow eye. See related P. stenodonta and P. pulverulenta.